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Repetitive visits to record my response to the minimal view across the River Humber motivate this series of work. My obsession for this place induces a strong sense of the sublime. The subject remains the same, but the light and atmosphere are changing constantly and so too my visual reactions to it.

Attempts to capture ethereal qualities of luminosity and fleeting light sustain my engagement with fluorescent pigment. 

Edmund Burke defined the sublime as an internal discord of the mind and the senses inability to comprehend a phenomenon. Chaotic visual experiences are challenging for the brain as beta brainwaves throw the mind into a state of anxiety and stress. I intend the use of fluorescence and pulsating colour contrasts in my work to induce sublime experiences for the onlooker.

“Nobody can paint the sun or sunlight. He can only paint the tricks that shadows play with it, or what it does to forms. He cannot even paint those relations of light and shade – he can only paint some emotion they give him, some man-made arrangement of them that happens to give him personal delight” Willa Cather 1925


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